"When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is for the people and for each portion of the people the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties." (當政府侵犯人民權利之時,人民可武力起義,此乃眾人最神聖的權利及義務,責無旁貸。)
本土抗爭初期有人講過freedom is not free,代價可以相當沉重,要犧牲很多「發展機遇」以及「社會穩定」。對大多數香港人來說,自由誠可貴,搵食價更高。最好有著普世價值的道德光環,同時又享有依附惡勢力的好處:大家都討厭地產霸權,可是又想自己層樓快些供完又升值。想公民抗命,但又不想犯法或阻街甚至不想留得太夜,第二天要返早。
The world's Shortest Stories, edited by Steven Moss, Running Press
Art Vs. Commerce
The artist stood back to view the geometric precision of his latest creation.
"Beautiful," he murmured, "but will it sell?"
No time to examine the philosophic implications. Customers, buzzing with excitement, hovered near the piece.
He wrapped up a deal quickly.
"This is business," the spider said with a vicious smile. "It ain't art."