星期一, 1月 17, 2011
有人說《追魂交易》是John Grisham 加上驅魔人的混合體,我非常同意。電影講述一位年輕有位的大狀Kevin Lomax,由畢業後當檢察官直至轉職為律師未嚐敗績,可是他的客戶正正是人中渣宰:孌童教師、行巫術的富戶、貪腐企業以及謀殺自己全家的鉅富(影射當年的Oj Simpson)等等
正因為他才華橫溢,很快被一神秘的跨國企業羅致,總裁John Milton對他青眼有加,甫就任就遣他處理一些必敗無疑的案子,居然又絕地反勝。正當主角飛黃騰達,打入紐約權力樞紐之際,少妻疑不堪寂寞壓力,精神逐漸異常,母親又勸斥他要早日脫離這個「現世的巴比倫」,那邊廂Kevin跟總裁關係日益親密,公司又出現令他心動的紅髮美人,Kevin事業攀上高峰,私生活卻崩分離析,最終他發現畢生人的成功,一直來自總裁John Milton,真身是撒旦,也是他的生父。
當時一邊看著,腦子轉著為撒旦想對白 (youtube 5:15 後)
John: You cannot keep punishing yourself Kevin, it's awesome! How far you've come! I didn't make it easy, couldn't, not for you. You deserve better, your sister.
Kevin: What?
John: Your body wants her.
Kevin: This is wrong...she is my sister!
John: Incest is wrong because it weakens the genetic code, the census bureau doesn't like it because it makes their job difficult, but guess what? I run the house here Kevin, none of those rules apply to you. Go ahead, take your reward.
Kevin: No! I will go to hell for this.
John: Do you know what hell looks like? Imagine a Sunday service that never ends, and you are fucking trapped in a house full of hypocrites, that is hell! Lake of fire? World of ice? Hunger? Despair? What fun is it to watch endless sufferings? I don't do that, I like running this world here, all the indulgence! sensational and LIVE 24-7! Hell is one of those tricks from His smudge campaign against me, no I don't do hell, He does, and He calls that "paradise"! Can you believe that? Ha!
Kevin: you are tricking me, why should I believe you?
John: I give people choices, the exact same way God does to everyone, some prosper and some fall, that's the way it is. Tell me, if I really wanted to trick you, why would I blow my cover at this very point? I took the heat when He wanted to recall the whole damn line of humanity from his little lab, because YOU do not perform the way he likes it, and who stepped up to put a stop to the recall? ME!
Do I hate God? Yes! Do you know why they say the opposite of love is hate? Only those capable of great love are capable of hate, and son, my love for you is very great. I cannot force you to love me, and I cannot trick you into loving me, I can only ask you to, freewill.
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