星期三, 9月 02, 2009


Lothlorien - Foggy Banks

On the foggy foggy banks me boys we pitch and toss about
And we blow our frozen fingers as we hear the skipper shout
Heave away upon the capstan give a hand to heave the trawl

Oh when I was but a lad at school I wouldn't stay at home
Like lots of other foolish lads I thought I'd sooner roam
Heave away upon the capstan give a hand to heave the trawl

So I went and I joined a trawler and it's then I quickly found
That it wasn't all plain sailing when you reach the trawling ground
Heave away upon the capstan give a hand to heave the trawl

You'll be hauling night and day me boys, you're nearer slaves than men
And once you get all your fishes aboard it's time to haul again
Heave away upon the capstan give a hand to heave the trawl

And when the waves are pouring around us and they're pounding against the deck
Well you'll work your bit like all of the rest if you want to save your neck
Heave away upon the capstan give a hand to heave the trawl

And the captain's name is Johnson and he works us 'til we fall
And if he sees us a-shirkin' well it's God preserve us all
Heave away upon the capstan give a hand to heave the trawl

The Sweetest Joy

He sat alone upon a hill, the waves pulling at his side
He could feel the salt inside his veins and could hear the storm arrive

He closed his eyes and saw her face, so plain the others had decried
Yet he'd felt the warmth she'd held within and the beauty that lay inside

Yet their words soon blinded him, no beauty he began to believe
Oh he turned his back and he toasted them, he drank the world for all to see

No more will her palm lay upon his own, a fairer hand has clasped to his skin
'Oh where is my love' she cried in vain and from the door cried 'please let me in'

With haste she turned and chased the night, no tears to wipe with her hand
While he searched the land to find his love he fell and cried 'please help this man'

The sweetest joy the wildest woe of love Bailey once described
Hast thou more of pain or pleasure, does torment dwell and grow inside

He said it swells like the oceans flow, love drew me in as the tides draw the sea
Oh but I was foolish just like my friends - I let my eyes rule what I should feel.

The Lothlorien 係一隊新西蘭既celtic band,佢地認真生不逢時又揀錯名,首先大名鼎鼎的new age女歌手Enya 有首歌同佢地撞名,跟住Lord of the ring 又同佢地撞名 (其實係佢地inspired by LOTR 才對),所以上網基本上係好難查到佢地的資料。

黑人學堂時代身處外國超無聊,唔想聽廣東歌又唔知揀乜好,誤打誤撞上左mp3.com 聽到佢地的音樂,感覺良好,當年mp3.com 有好多另類artist,小弟又鍾意聽celtic music(因為玩RPG好夾feel)手快快就download 左佢地的作品日煲夜煲。

點知幾年後成為絕唱。一來Lothlorien之後好似同mp3.com 割蓆,剷晒上面所有file,二來佢地都好似停止出售呢首碟,連無所不能既amazon.com 都無得賣。一於將自己既mp3轉成video放上youtube分享下,假如佢地claim copyright,咪當話俾佢地知;世上仲有fans鍾意聽佢地的舊歌。

第一首the foggy banks 道中小弟心聲,基本上係一個有學唔返,貪慕闖闖外面大世界的傻仔,上左首漁船以為好威風,結果做餐死的故事。

the sweetest joy 係男親女愛的故事,我覺得講情愛的歌曲唔需要扯高喉嚨好似側田張敬軒果種慘情先至叫做可憐,平平淡淡當故事咁樣唱,仲慘。

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

Not sure if they still accept an order:

'Greenwood Side'


黑人 說...

thx but I'm not sure if they are still using this page, not going to risk it haha!