等待去開會之前,隨機從youtube見到廣告狂人 Madmen 的片子 (不知是第幾季那一集),廣告公司的創作總監(也就是主角) Don Draper 向柯達公司講解新的幻燈片機的廣告創作概念。
故事發生在70年代,輪盤式幻燈片機還未面世。看後理推斷前文,大概是柯達認為消費者不覺得輪盤是甚麼新科技,感到很難推銷。Don Draper的演說很精彩,連他身邊的同事都感動得哭起來,就連黑人自己都有少少感動,是編劇很高明吧!
K1: 柯達員工1
K2: 柯達員工2
D: Don Draper
K1: so have you figured out a way to work the wheel into it?
K2: we know it is hard because wheels aren't seen as exciting technology, even though they are original.
D: well, technology is like littering lure, but there is a rare occasion where the public can be engaged at a level beyond flash if they have a sentimental bond with the product.
D: My first job I was in house, sort of for a company, with this old pro copywriter, Greek, named Teddy.
D: Teddy told me the most important idea in advertising, is "new". Creates an itch, you simply put your product in there, as a kind of...calamine lotion. We also talked about, a deeper bond with the product: nostalgia. It's delicate, but potent.
D: Teddy told me that in Greek, nostalgia literally means "the pain from an old wound". It's twinge in your heart far more powerful than memory alone.
Teddy 解釋說:Nostalgia一詞在希臘文的意思是「舊患的痛楚」。也就是一種心有戚戚然的感覺。
D: This device, isn't a spaceship, it's a time machine...goes backwards, forwards. Takes us to a place, where we ache to go again. It's not called the wheel, it's called the Carousel, it lets us travel the way a child travels.
Round and round, and back home again, to a place, where we know we'll love.
好 ~ 夠鐘起程開會。
3 則留言:
唔系好 get 到....
> 小瓶子
> chris
我個腦呢期成日loop 呢一幕個BGM