誰說科學就是clear cut, crystal clear?
舉例, 呢類科學(環境科學), 一定有好大既 不確定性
大家鍾意睇既, 至少 係 "四十年後 全球氣溫最多會上升 xx 度"
甚至係 "香港再無冬天" "救救北極熊" "末世浩劫" "全球玩撚完"
但事實上, even 係 IPCC (即係最權威既機構)既研究
比出黎既, 係一個 distribution, 一條 curve, 每個情況既機會率
同樣地, 唔少人解釋事物, 都係 線性既
正如我地中學讀書都會係, 因為咁, 所以咁, 然後咁, 點解要咁? 因為咁
可惜係, 科學現象, 並唔係咁簡單, 好多時係 混沌既 (Chaos)
又或者, 政客鍾意 sell 零容忍, 一次都太多, 100% certainity
但正如 "Fair Game" 入面講 (套戲講 政治, 唔係科學, 但都適用, 好睇的)
"There is no certainty in intelligence"
在科學上面, 當然有某d情況有, 但更多情況下係冇
飛機會唔會失事? 會! 會唔會死人? 會!
同樣地, 呢樣野可以推到去 核能 身上
(當然好多人唔同意, 你都可以唔同意)
當然以我地一般人既水平, 冇法理解咁多野
但至少, 在科普既層面上, 理解下 以上既野, 都好好
之後仲要帶出, 就係如果涉及 現世社會, 就更煩
因為, 要講 經濟效益
都係果句, 政客, 傳媒, 鍾意講 "人命係無價" "xx係無價"
但現世社會, 冇法, 乜都要有個價
你可以諗下, 馬車, 甚至後來汔車, 飛機
全部都係會死人的 (段估行路上北京冇咁易死, 比人老笠另計)
問題係, 我地可以慳到幾多時間/金錢, 帶黎幾多利益 (於個人/社會計)
但如果你用 "人命係無價" "一次都太多", 咁就咩都唔撚使計
因為 無限 乘 一個好細既機會, 都係 "無價" 既
伸延閱讀:the economist: the truth about the environment
星期四, 3月 31, 2011
星期三, 3月 30, 2011

早前轉天氣,抱恙在家無事可幹,手痕翻看鬼佬殘片King Richard & Crusaders,這是1954年的老爺電影,不要問我為何看,總之人病了,有很多事情都不能解釋。
不看尤自可,劇中的撒拉丁不單智勇雙全,而且風流倜儻。獅心皇李察陣中有變,遇刺重傷,撒拉丁聞訊,喬裝成宮延御醫隻身前往。途中他先遇上劍比腦袋快的主角Sir Kenneth,好不容易擊倒他找到空檔解釋,獅心皇的叛黨又殺到,大戰一輪,幾經波折才到達十字軍大本營。
雖然封面寫King Richard,但主角是撒拉丁,而且他的戲份蓋過所有其他角色。King Richard在電影中象徵無力再掌握大局的傳統男權,主角Sir Kenneth經常有勇無謀,戲份被蓋得太多,任何一位現代導演和經理人,相信都很難接受這種被嚴重out staged的角色。至於撒拉丁這類性格的人物,也很少出現於近年的荷里活銀幕,回想起來,似乎近年真的很少富有冒險精神,陽光而又世故的主角,是太難寫了嗎?
撒拉丁的故事,令我想起奇幻小說大師David Gemmel的處女作Legend:主角們被一對五十數量的凶奴人兵圍城下,苦撐數天後,他們最強的英雄,也就是書中的被二男主角:老將Druss被敵人擊斃了,Druss是兩個陣營都共同景仰的英雄,他倒下時,凶奴皇親身領走遺體,並下令全軍休戰一天,以悼英靈。
近年電腦CG已經more real than real,甚麼樣的劍技、盔甲和拳腳身手都可以虛構出來,但是上述那種響噹噹的男子氣概,偏偏ren不到,也沒有多少演員有這種氣魄carry到這些對白,甚是可惜。
星期五, 3月 25, 2011
科學實驗只能找出一些數據,如何去理解這些數據,有時未必完全科學,頂多是well educated assumptions。比方說,之前傳媒炒作甚熱的大型粒子撞擊儀,有關撞擊儀能造成微型黑洞之說,有科學家打了個比喻去回應「這只等於不排除木星光環上有個茶杯飄浮著的可能性」。
正如Steven Covey話齋,地形不斷在變,地圖很快會outdate,但指南針卻不會。3月6的示威,到底警方和示威者哪一方「比較錯」?大概是無頭公案,但執法部隊要有integrity,不能濫權,這是誰也不能反駁的大原則(當然示威者都有一些底線要守)。詭辯者可以將議題剪得支離破碎,但是要衡量基本對錯,最簡單的辦法就是將眼見的資料跟原則對比,不符原則的就是錯了。
有段時間跟某辦學團體做事,他們其中一個宗旨是believe in the human potential.
世界級10km賽事冠軍水平是3分鐘左右,於我而言大概是out of the question,可是大多數體能正常,勤於練習的普通人,要跑5 min/km並不是難事。
科學實驗只能找出一些數據,如何去理解這些數據,有時未必完全科學,頂多是well educated assumptions。比方說,之前傳媒炒作甚熱的大型粒子撞擊儀,有關撞擊儀能造成微型黑洞之說,有科學家打了個比喻去回應「這只等於不排除木星光環上有個茶杯飄浮著的可能性」。
正如Steven Covey話齋,地形不斷在變,地圖很快會outdate,但指南針卻不會。3月6的示威,到底警方和示威者哪一方「比較錯」?大概是無頭公案,但執法部隊要有integrity,不能濫權,這是誰也不能反駁的大原則(當然示威者都有一些底線要守)。詭辯者可以將議題剪得支離破碎,但是要衡量基本對錯,最簡單的辦法就是將眼見的資料跟原則對比,不符原則的就是錯了。
有段時間跟某辦學團體做事,他們其中一個宗旨是believe in the human potential.
世界級10km賽事冠軍水平是3分鐘左右,於我而言大概是out of the question,可是大多數體能正常,勤於練習的普通人,要跑5 min/km並不是難事。
星期二, 3月 15, 2011
(轉載)For those who are living in Japan and have few experience about earthquakes:
For those who are living in Japan and have few experience about earthquakes:
I suppose most of you are living in the Tokyo region. This place is safe for now. Yesterday's M9 earthquake was a serious disaster and affected a wide region of northeast Japan. I believe you could also feel the aftershocks yesterday all night. Most of those aftershocks were harmless. Even if they do, it's likely that they will affect the same region, not Tokyo.
Please, however, do not simply assume that the safety will last indefinitely. If you have not heard about the following before, I think it is now time to pay some attention. It is the government's policy that Tokyo is expecting at least one severe earthquake disaster in the near future. Technically, the accepted prediction is that there is a very high chance (~70%, depending on region) that the Tokyo region will suffer from a JMA intensity 6+ earthquake (which will cause building damage) somewhere in the next 30 years. I know it seems difficult to understand these numbers. For some people, 30 years look a long time and irrelevant to your current life. Unfortunately, under the current level of science, it is difficult to give a scientific prediction with better resolution (i.e. shorter period of time). Anyway, in simple terms, earthquake WILL come, sooner or later.
A minor point to add about earthquake prediction is that, actually Miyagi Prefecture (the center of disaster for yesterday's M9 event) is categorised as a highest risk region. It is not surprising that a disaster will hit, although it's still out of many experts' expectation that the magnitude is this large. I am sure that you must have also heard from the news that this is the largest earthquake we have ever had in the history of Japan (more precisely, in the instrumental history of Japan; no one knows that happened 10000 years before). Yes, we are witnessing the history.
Another thing I would like to remind (or advise, in case you did not know it before) you is that, for a M9 earthquake of this kind, it is not surprising that it will trigger some moderate earthquakes in the nearby region. Some aftershock you felt today and yesterday may not be technically aftershocks but triggered earthquakes. Differentiating them precisely is left as an exercise for scientists. What really related to your personal life is that, these triggered earthquakes could occur somewhat far away from the mainshock. Today's (12th March) early morning, there was a M6.2 earthquake in Niigata Prefecture inland and caused some damage. This level of earthquake magnitude is comparable to the previous Niigata earthquake in 2007 that damaged a nuclear power plant, and another previous one in 2004. That means, even if there was no M9 earthquake yesterday, the Niigata earthquake in this morning by itself is a major disaster already. It was fatal, and likely be fatal again if similar things happen again.
We all know that it is not an aftershock. Whether it is a coincidence or a triggered event is unknown for now and probably will remain unknown in the near future, but let us assume the worst. From previous experience, after an M9 class earthquake, there will likely be a continuous swarm of moderate earthquakes, either aftershocks or triggered earthquakes, in the next one month. Triggered earthquakes can even come somehow later (say, a year later) and in a relatively far place from the mainshock (say, Niigata from Miyagi, or even Kanto region).
If you have not ever imagained that an earthquake will hit you before, think about it now. Think what you will do after an earthquake has hit you place. How do you contact with your family members or close friends in case telecommunications are not functioning? Where is your nearest emergency gathering site? If you are living or working in a place close to water (say, with a beautiful sea-view), how is the tsunami risk? The tsunami risk for Tokyo city is not expected to be high, so there is no official predicted flooding depth for tsunami scenarios. For some regions in Japan, there are official predictions. All information is open to the public. You can search for "tsunami shinsuiyosoku" (in Japanese, in English it means tsunami flooding prediction) to check if there is any official tsunami prediction for your area.
Natural disasters may or may not be predicted, but certainly cannot be prevented. Earthquake will come, sooner or later. A prepared mind will keep you claim during emergency, may save your life, and very likely make your life easier in the post-shock time. Be prepared!
I suppose most of you are living in the Tokyo region. This place is safe for now. Yesterday's M9 earthquake was a serious disaster and affected a wide region of northeast Japan. I believe you could also feel the aftershocks yesterday all night. Most of those aftershocks were harmless. Even if they do, it's likely that they will affect the same region, not Tokyo.
Please, however, do not simply assume that the safety will last indefinitely. If you have not heard about the following before, I think it is now time to pay some attention. It is the government's policy that Tokyo is expecting at least one severe earthquake disaster in the near future. Technically, the accepted prediction is that there is a very high chance (~70%, depending on region) that the Tokyo region will suffer from a JMA intensity 6+ earthquake (which will cause building damage) somewhere in the next 30 years. I know it seems difficult to understand these numbers. For some people, 30 years look a long time and irrelevant to your current life. Unfortunately, under the current level of science, it is difficult to give a scientific prediction with better resolution (i.e. shorter period of time). Anyway, in simple terms, earthquake WILL come, sooner or later.
A minor point to add about earthquake prediction is that, actually Miyagi Prefecture (the center of disaster for yesterday's M9 event) is categorised as a highest risk region. It is not surprising that a disaster will hit, although it's still out of many experts' expectation that the magnitude is this large. I am sure that you must have also heard from the news that this is the largest earthquake we have ever had in the history of Japan (more precisely, in the instrumental history of Japan; no one knows that happened 10000 years before). Yes, we are witnessing the history.
Another thing I would like to remind (or advise, in case you did not know it before) you is that, for a M9 earthquake of this kind, it is not surprising that it will trigger some moderate earthquakes in the nearby region. Some aftershock you felt today and yesterday may not be technically aftershocks but triggered earthquakes. Differentiating them precisely is left as an exercise for scientists. What really related to your personal life is that, these triggered earthquakes could occur somewhat far away from the mainshock. Today's (12th March) early morning, there was a M6.2 earthquake in Niigata Prefecture inland and caused some damage. This level of earthquake magnitude is comparable to the previous Niigata earthquake in 2007 that damaged a nuclear power plant, and another previous one in 2004. That means, even if there was no M9 earthquake yesterday, the Niigata earthquake in this morning by itself is a major disaster already. It was fatal, and likely be fatal again if similar things happen again.
We all know that it is not an aftershock. Whether it is a coincidence or a triggered event is unknown for now and probably will remain unknown in the near future, but let us assume the worst. From previous experience, after an M9 class earthquake, there will likely be a continuous swarm of moderate earthquakes, either aftershocks or triggered earthquakes, in the next one month. Triggered earthquakes can even come somehow later (say, a year later) and in a relatively far place from the mainshock (say, Niigata from Miyagi, or even Kanto region).
If you have not ever imagained that an earthquake will hit you before, think about it now. Think what you will do after an earthquake has hit you place. How do you contact with your family members or close friends in case telecommunications are not functioning? Where is your nearest emergency gathering site? If you are living or working in a place close to water (say, with a beautiful sea-view), how is the tsunami risk? The tsunami risk for Tokyo city is not expected to be high, so there is no official predicted flooding depth for tsunami scenarios. For some regions in Japan, there are official predictions. All information is open to the public. You can search for "tsunami shinsuiyosoku" (in Japanese, in English it means tsunami flooding prediction) to check if there is any official tsunami prediction for your area.
Natural disasters may or may not be predicted, but certainly cannot be prevented. Earthquake will come, sooner or later. A prepared mind will keep you claim during emergency, may save your life, and very likely make your life easier in the post-shock time. Be prepared!
星期日, 3月 13, 2011
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