星期一, 2月 12, 2007


大學修電影課時曾經以占士金馬倫作為研究主題。喜歡他的電影不在話下 ( Terminator 1, 2, the Abyss, Alien 2, True Lies, Titanic),占士金馬倫本身是個要求嚴謹,並且經常打破常規的編導,例如他協助John Carpenter 在 Escape from New York (1981) 一片中以塗黑了的模形加上親手塗繪的 grid line 扮電腦3D 描瞄效果,當時做FX的人全都大跌眼鏡。

Abyss (深淵)中的水精靈,在當年也是行頭破天荒第一次的電腦morphing特效,在水底拍攝的難度也是數一數二的。

寫論文時主要參考源自此書:Christopher Heard: Dreaming Aloud, the life and films of James Cameron。抄考價值高,把它當成正經一本傳記來看卻是十分水皮失實。

為甚麼此書不盡不實,可以參考關於 Terminator 1 的選段:(沒興趣可略過)

... Arnold Schwarzenegger was of course cast as the terminator, a part originally intended for Lance Henriksen, but he appeared as a cop in the movie. Originally Schwarzenegger was also trying out for the part as Reese but thought the terminator to be more intriguing. Linda Hamilton was cast as Sarah Conner, a character loosely based on Cameron's first wife Susan, and finally Michael Biehn was cast as Reese. The cast and crew were instantly impressed with Cameron, his commitment to the project, his willingness to demonstrate stunts and his no-compromise attitude. The movie was completed on schedule and on budget and to everyone's satisfaction.

原來,T1 的機械殺手選角本來不是阿諾,是他或者他

而阿諾,雖然憑第一集「皇者之劍」平地一聲雷,但星途還是陰晴不定,他本來強烈希望擔當男主角Kyle Reese 這個角色,然而導演占士金馬倫和監製Gale Ann Hurd 也一致反對。這不難理解,Kyle 這個角色對白極多,Terminator 並不會坐定定同你慢慢講點解Skynet 會派佢來追殺Sarah Conner,故此正反的劇情只有Kyle 一個人能夠交待。以阿諾甩皮甩骨的奧地利英文和化石演技...哈哈...嘿嘿嘿

當時,阿諾對於這套電影極之不滿,因為Terminator 這角色幾乎完全無對白!有的也不是完整的英文句子!eg. Your clothes... give them to me... now.

占士金馬倫是個絕對的control freak,阿諾如何中槍,怎樣倒地,甚麼時候爬起身,都抓得極緊,阿諾根本就沒有甚麼發揮演技的空間。他當時跟友人抱怨 (原文一時找不到,大意是這樣) ...some shit movie I'm doing, it's about some aliens from mars, and they just keep shooting, in the end everybody is dead!

而且製作budget 極低 (6.5 mil),連製片公司也不看好,在海報上他們曾經要求阿諾要坦露胸肌以吸引更多觀眾 (占士金馬倫對此極力反對)換著我是阿諾,都會覺得很委屈,有時表面的低潮,可能是未來發跡的伏線。(各位身陷低潮的朋友,姑且這樣自我安慰罷!)

